Mass readings in sign language
The video clips recorded are to assist Deaf people and others who are involved with the readings at Mass in the UK. It is not truly British Sign Language as such (which has it own linguistic principles); people read the ‘Signs of God’ lectionaries which is printed in English and the video clips are to enable them to read, prepare and sign the readings. However, important BSL principles such as placements and facial expressions can be used as much as possible which will greatly clarify the meaning and content of the messages in the readings.
For biblical quotes we use Revised New Jerusalem Bible.
1st Sunday of Advent
2nd Sunday of Advent
3rd Sunday of Advent
4th Sunday of Advent
Christmas Vigil Mass
Christmas Midnight Mass
Christmas Day Mass
Holy Family
Mary, Mother of God
2nd Sunday after Christmas
Epiphany of the Lord
Baptism of the Lord
Ash Wednesday
1st Sunday of Lent
2nd Sunday of Lent
3rd Sunday of Lent
4th Sunday of Lent
5th Sunday of Lent
Palm Sunday
Chrism Mass
Lord’s Supper
Good Friday
Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday
2nd Sunday of Easter
3rd Sunday of Easter
4th Sunday of Easter
5th Sunday of Easter
6th Sunday of Easter
Ascension of the Lord
7th Sunday of Easter
Pentecost (Vigil)
Pentecost Sunday
Mary, Mother of the Church
Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest
Trinity Sunday
Corpus Christi
Sacred Heart
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
6th Sunday
7th Sunday
8th Sunday
9th Sunday
10th Sunday
11th Sunday
12th Sunday
13th Sunday
14th Sunday
15th Sunday
16th Sunday
17th Sunday
18th Sunday
19th Sunday
20th Sunday
21st Sunday
22nd Sunday
23rd Sunday
24th Sunday
25th Sunday
26th Sunday
27th Sunday
28th Sunday
29th Sunday
30th Sunday
31st Sunday
32nd Sunday
33rd Sunday
Christ the King
1st Sunday of Advent
2nd Sunday of Advent
3rd Sunday of Advent
4th Sunday of Advent
Christmas Vigil Mass
Christmas Midnight Mass
Christmas Day Mass
Holy Family
Mary, Mother of God
2nd Sunday after Christmas
Epiphany of the Lord
Baptism of the Lord
Ash Wednesday
1st Sunday of Lent
2nd Sunday of Lent
3rd Sunday of Lent
4th Sunday of Lent
5th Sunday of Lent
Palm Sunday
Chrism Mass
Lord’s Supper
Good Friday
Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday
2nd Sunday of Easter
3rd Sunday of Easter
4th Sunday of Easter
5th Sunday of Easter
6th Sunday of Easter
Ascension of the Lord
7th Sunday of Easter
Pentecost (Vigil)
Pentecost Sunday
Mary, Mother of the Church
Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest
Trinity Sunday
Corpus Christi
Sacred Heart
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
6th Sunday
7th Sunday
8th Sunday
9th Sunday
10th Sunday
11th Sunday
12th Sunday
13th Sunday
14th Sunday
15th Sunday
16th Sunday
17th Sunday
18th Sunday
19th Sunday
20th Sunday
21st Sunday
22nd Sunday
23rd Sunday
24th Sunday
25th Sunday
26th Sunday
27th Sunday
28th Sunday
29th Sunday
30th Sunday
31st Sunday
32nd Sunday
33rd Sunday
Christ the King
1st Sunday of Advent
2nd Sunday of Advent
3rd Sunday of Advent
4th Sunday of Advent
Christmas Vigil Mass
Christmas Midnight Mass
Christmas Day Mass
Holy Family
Mary, Mother of God
2nd Sunday after Christmas
Epiphany of the Lord
Baptism of the Lord
Ash Wednesday
1st Sunday of Lent
2nd Sunday of Lent
3rd Sunday of Lent
4th Sunday of Lent
5th Sunday of Lent
Palm Sunday
Chrism Mass
Lord’s Supper
Good Friday
Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday
2nd Sunday of Easter
3rd Sunday of Easter
4th Sunday of Easter
5th Sunday of Easter
6th Sunday of Easter
Ascension of the Lord
7th Sunday of Easter
Pentecost (Vigil)
Pentecost Sunday
Mary, Mother of the Church
Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest
Trinity Sunday
Corpus Christi
Sacred Heart
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
4th Sunday
5th Sunday
6th Sunday
7th Sunday
8th Sunday
9th Sunday
10th Sunday
11th Sunday
12th Sunday
13th Sunday
14th Sunday
15th Sunday
16th Sunday
17th Sunday
18th Sunday
19th Sunday
20th Sunday
21st Sunday
22nd Sunday
23rd Sunday
24th Sunday
25th Sunday
26th Sunday
27th Sunday
28th Sunday
29th Sunday
30th Sunday
31st Sunday
32nd Sunday
33rd Sunday
Christ the King
2nd January: St Francis de Sales
3rd January: Most Holy Name of Jesus
24th January: St Francis de Sales
25th January: Conversion of St Paul
2nd February: Presentation of the Lord
3rd February: St Blaise
11th February: Our Lady of Lourdes
22nd February: Chair of St Peter
1st March: St David
10th March: St John Ogilvie
17th March: St Patrick
19th March: St Joseph, husband of Blessed Virgin Mary
25th March: Annunciation of the Lord
23rd April: St George
25th April: St Mark, Evangelist
1st May: St Joseph the Worker
3rd May: St Philip & St James
4th May: English Martyrs
13th May: Our Lady of Fatima
14th May: St Matthias
25th May: St Bede Venerable
27th May: St Augustine of Canterbury
31st May: Visitation of Blessed Virgin Mary
20th June: St Alban, Protomartyr of Britain
22nd June: St John Fisher & St Thomas More
24th June: Birth of St John the Baptist
29th June: St Peter & St Paul (Vigil)
29th June: St Peter & St Paul (Day)
3rd July: St Thomas
11th July: St Benedict
16th July: Our Lady of Mount Carmel
22nd July: St Mary Magdala
25th July: St James
26th July: St Joachim & St Anne
29th July: SS Martha, Mary, Lazarus
31st July: St Ignatius Loyola
6th August: Transfiguration
9th August: St Teresa Benedicta
14th August: St Maximilian Kolbe
15th August: Assumption
22nd August: Our Lady, Mother and Queen
24th August: St Bartholomew
27th August: St Monica
28th August: St Augustine of Hippo
29th August: Beheading of John the Baptist
8th September: Birthday of Blessed Virgin Mary
12th September: Most Holy Name of Mary
14th September: Exaltation of the Holy Cross
15th September: Our Lady of Sorrows
21st September: St Matthew, Apostle, Evangelist
27th September: St Vincent de Paul
29th September: Archangels (SS Michael, Gabriel, Raphael)
30th September: St Jerome
1st October: St Therese of the Child Jesus
2nd October: Guardian Angels
4th October: St Francis of Assisi
7th October: Our Lady of the Rosary
15th October: St Teresa of Avila
18th October: St Luke, Evangelist
28th October: St Simon & St Jude
1st November: All Saints
2nd November: All Souls
6th November: All Saints of Ireland
30th November: St Andrew
3rd December: St Francis Xavier
6th December: St Nicholas
8th December: Immaculate Conception
21st December: St Peter Canisius
26th December: St Stephen
27th December: St John, Apostle, Evangelist
28th December: Holy Innocents
Anniversary of the Dedication of a Church
We hope the ‘Signs of God’ videos are helpful to you. We would be grateful if you could offer us a small donation to support the work of the CDA. Email