CDA Walsingham pilgrimage May 2024
We began the Holy Mile walk from the Church of the Annunciation (outside Friday Market).
We stopped and prayed 8 times at different stages during the walk, each time signing a prayer based on the Rosary along the way.
Several people took it in turn to carry ‘Our Lady of Walsingham statue.
We arrived at the Slipper Chapel and after putting the Statue in the Chapel of Reconciliation we had lunches in the garden in beautiful sunshine.
Bishop Paul Hendricks celebrated the Mass and Fr Paul Fletcher and Fr David Quiligotti concelebrated
CDA’s CCRS Reunion
The Bible and Jubilee Year 2025
News from around the dioceses
On 23rd November 2023, on the ocassion of his 43rd anniversary of the Priesthood, Fr Robert Kinlen, Chaplain to Deaf people in Hexam & Newcastle diocese, celebrated a ‘thanksgiving celebration’ with the Deaf and SVP communities. Fr Robert said it was only three months after his ordination when Sr Kevin Allen DC (one could almost say ‘Bishop Kevin’!) phoned him and told him he would start work with the Deaf community and that he would learn sign language the following week in York. Julie Stephenson in the first photograph on the left, and Dr Megan Nottingham, Centre Manager, in the second photograph, both thanked Fr Robert for his 43 years of service to the Deaf community. The Mass took place at the SVP Newcastle Deaf Centre (Our Lady of Lourdes).
News from Lourdes
Fr Paul Fletcher SJ, Angela Davies and Joselyn Taylor were in Lourdes, July 2023.
Here is a short video vlog.
Click on the image to view the video.
Please note, the person they were with and who lit the candle is Vincent Bayoumeu. He is St Bernadette’s 5th great-nephew and he is Deaf himself.
St Philip Howard Medals for Maria and Peter Booker
Whiles in Lourdes, Bishop Moth (Bishop of Arundel & Brighton) presented Maria and Peter Booker with St Philip Howard medals for their significant contribution and service to Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Hearing people, in their diocese to create awareness of the existence and needs of Deaf/Hard of Hearing people, both in the Church and in Society. Maria and Peter Booker were completely surprised.
Congratulations to Maria and Peter! Well done, you both deserve the awards and the Deaf community is proud of you.
In the photo (L to R): Bishop Moth; Maria Booker; Peter Booker; Fr Ian Byrnes.